Enhance Leadership

Problem 1. You Don’t Even Have A Strategy

If you don’t have a crystal clear strategy that everyone knows, then you’re likely to find one person going off in one direction, another going in a different direction and perhaps another somewhere else.

Strategy, strategy, strategy!

Aligned leaders understanding precisely where they’re meant to be going.

Problem 2. Meetings Last Forever But Don’t Actually Achieve Much

If you find yourself walking out of a meeting with little resolve on what is actually going to get done, or you find yourself in meetings that are mostly focused on short-term budgets and firefighting, you’ve got a seriously problematic time wasting issue.

Strategically focused meetings with accountabilities.

Meetings actually translate to better outcomes, rather than wasted time.

Problem 3. You’re Not Embracing Boardroom Conflict

Less than ideal decisions, and long-term deterioration in business performance, may arise when questions are put to the group and there is silence or bickering ensues.

Embrace conflict

More productive relationships and better decisions propelling the business forward.

Problem 4. You Should Have Better Leaders

If all your business leaders aren’t growing they’re capabilities by at least as much as your growth ambitions, the business may find itself drifting as opposed to growing.

Hone capabilities

Leaders who are capable of growing your business.

Problem 5. Employees Aren’t Involved So All You’ve Got Is A Plan

If employees don’t know the strategy, don’t understand why certain decisions have been made, don’t understand exactly how to perform their role in strategy execution and don’t have a say in continuous improvement of the strategy, then your “plan” isn’t likely to get you very far.

Never in isolation

Successful strategy execution.

Do your leaders really know what they’re doing?

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